HMO Furniture: The Ultimate Guide to Furnishing Your HMO Property

March 28, 2023

Are you planning to turn your property into an HMO (House of Multiple Occupancy) and need to furnish it? Do you want to make sure you have the best furniture to make your tenants feel comfortable and happy? Look no further, as we have prepared the ultimate guide to furnishing your HMO property.


Why is Furniture Important for Your HMO Property?


Furniture is one of the most crucial aspects of your HMO property. Your tenants will be living in the house for an extended period, and you want to make sure they feel comfortable and at home. Not only that, but the right furniture can also help you attract tenants, which is essential to your business.


What to Consider When Buying Furniture for Your HMO Property


When purchasing furniture for your HMO property, there are a few factors you need to consider.

Durability: Since your tenants will be using the furniture frequently, it is essential to invest in durable pieces that can withstand daily wear and tear.

Comfort: Comfortable furniture will make your tenants feel more relaxed and at home, which will lead to happier and more satisfied tenants.

Functionality: Consider the functionality of the furniture you purchase. For example, buying a sofa bed will provide extra sleeping space for guests, which can be helpful in an HMO property.

Style: Although functionality is essential, you want to make sure the furniture matches the decor and style of your property. This will make the house look more appealing and attract more tenants.

Budget: Furniture can be costly, especially when you are furnishing an entire property. Set a budget and stick to it, but make sure you do not compromise on quality.


The Best Furniture for Your HMO Property


  1. Sofa Beds

Sofa beds are versatile and functional pieces of furniture that can be used as both a sofa and a bed. They are perfect for HMO properties as they provide extra sleeping space for guests without taking up too much room. They are also great for communal living areas, as they can be used as a comfortable seating option during the day.

  1. Storage Beds

Storage beds are an excellent investment for HMO properties as they provide additional storage space without taking up any extra room. They are perfect for smaller rooms where space is limited, and tenants need additional storage options.

  1. Dining Table and Chairs

A dining table and chairs are essential pieces of furniture for any HMO property. They provide a space for tenants to eat and socialize together, which can help create a sense of community within the house.

  1. Wardrobes

Wardrobes are crucial for any HMO property as they provide tenants with a space to store their clothes and personal belongings. They also help keep the property tidy and organized, which can lead to happier and more satisfied tenants.

  1. Desks and Chairs

If you are renting out rooms to students, desks and chairs are a must-have. They provide a space for tenants to study and work, which is essential for students. They are also great for communal living areas, as they can be used as a workspace for tenants who work from home.




Furnishing your HMO property can be a challenging task, but it is crucial to get it right. Investing in high-quality, comfortable, and functional furniture will not only make your tenants happy and satisfied but also help you attract more tenants to your property. Remember to consider durability, comfort, functionality, style, and budget when purchasing furniture for your HMO property.

If you’re interested in receiving a quotation for HMO furniture, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your requirements. Our team at SJB will be happy to provide you with a competitive quote and answer any questions you may have.